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Jason Gray wins 2nd DIRTcar Sabil & Sons Sportsman Modifieds Mall Ellsworth grabs the win in the DIRTcar Wells River Chevrolet Sportsman Coupes

Jason Gray wins 2nd DIRTcar Sabil & Sons Sportsman Modifieds Mall Ellsworth grabs the win in the DIRTcar Wells River Chevrolet Sportsman Coupes For Immediate Release BRS-070420-1 Limited fans in the stands see some great racing and an outstanding firework show, courtesy in part by Noise R’ Us Fireworks, on F.M.S. NAPA [...]


Karl Sheldon wins the 1st Mike Estrada State Farm 4 Cylinder Enduros Kevin LaForest gets the win in the Peanuts Auto 4 Cylinders The DIRTcar Northeastern Sportsman Modifieds Series event race scheduled for July 4th postponed due to general admission grandstand limitations

Karl Sheldon wins the 1st Mike Estrada State Farm 4 Cylinder Enduros Kevin LaForest gets the win in the Peanuts Auto 4 Cylinders The DIRTcar Northeastern Sportsman Modifieds Series event race scheduled for July 4th postponed due to general admission grandstand limitations For Immediate Release BRS-062820-1 The JTB Towing and Recovery evening winners [...]


Jason Gray in the Sabil & Sons DIRTcar Sportsman Modifieds and Josh Harrington in the Wells River Chevrolet DIRTcar Sportsman Coupes make history breaking the ice to be first feature winners of the COVID-19 2020 season

Jason Gray in the Sabil & Sons DIRTcar Sportsman Modifieds and Josh Harrington in the Wells River Chevrolet DIRTcar Sportsman Coupes make history breaking the ice to be first feature winners of the COVID-19 2020 season For Immediate Release BRS-062120-1 The wait is finally over and it was evident with the exceptional car [...]


ARE YOU READY TO RUMBBBBBLLLLLEEEEEE??? The Dirt will fly at the famed Bear Ridge Speedway Saturday June 20th!!! With some restrictions in place

ARE YOU READY TO RUMBBBBBLLLLLEEEEEE??? The Dirt will fly at the famed Bear Ridge Speedway Saturday June 20th!!! With some restrictions in place For Immediate Release BRS-061420-1 Saturday June 20th will see some of the best cars and stars in New England taking the first green flag of the COVID-19 season. Restrictions continue [...]


Another weekend of closed practice sees everyone cooperating with COVID-19 requirements Still no racing as week seven of season is canceled due to COVID-19

For Immediate Release BRS-060720-1 Week seven June 13th our New Digs for Dogs Benefit night to be sponsored by Hoosier Tire is canceled due to COVID-19. We continue to update and adjust our schedule in an effort to be able to bring back our sponsors later in the year. With neighboring [...]


Another weekend of closed practice sees everyone cooperating with COVID-19 requirements. Yet unfortunately still no racing as week six of season is canceled due to COVID-19

For Immediate Release BRS-053120-1 Week six June 6th to be sponsored by the Wolf 95.3, is canceled due to COVID-19. We continue to update and adjust our schedule in an effort to be able to bring back our sponsors later in the year. We are in hopes that we will be [...]


Second weekend of closed practice sees everyone cooperating with COVID-19 requirements Yet another week, week five of season canceled due to COVID-19 stay home stay safe orders

For Immediate Release BRS-052420-1 With the canceling of week five, May 30th due to COVID-19 the month of May closes out at as the first May in 53 years that the fans have not been in the stands to watch some of the best dirt racers on the fastest dirt [...]


COVID-19 stay in place orders forces the Ridge to cancel week three of season Vermont Food Bank Benefit rescheduled to 8/22

For Immediate Release BRS-051020-1 As COVID-19 progresses, and we continue to monitor Governor Scotts softening of his executive orders we to make those hard decisions on what we need to do with our regular schedule and special events. Knowing that everyone’s safety is of the upmost importance it is still hard [...]